Trade name | 十光商事(ZYUKKO SHOJI) |
Opening date | 2016/2 |
Delegate | RYOTA IZUMI |
Location | 19-15 Murozumiomachi, Hikari-shi, Yamaguchi-Ken 743-0072 Japan |
TEL/FAX | We will give you the information the time of the transaction |
Description | Online sales business on, Yahoo Shopping, Rakuten, Pompare Mall, Qoo10, and Yamada Mall |
Store URL | Amazon(JP) Yahoo Shopping (JP) For Rakuten, Ponpare Mall, Qoo10, and Yamada Mall, we sell using the external service. (We will pass on the details to the companies we do business with) |
Net sales | Annual sales are 100 million yen(2022) Converted to U.S. dollars, ≒636,290 USD Converted to euros ≒611,955 EUR |
Major Clients | 西京銀行、(有)坂本石灰工業所、日本ヒーター機器株式会社、株式会社弘中酒販 |